Sunday, December 14, 2014

Corn Maze Finale Here is the corn maze assignment I did. It consists of two different projects. One of them is a video that has me and Travis talking about the corn maze we just through and our experience with it. The other is a podcast which responds to that video, following up on it. In a way, both projects are the same, dealing with the same subject etc... However the podcast goes into more detail about what the corn maze was like. The thing about going through a corn maze is, is that it's really difficult and can be really confusing. Me and Travis spent hours trying to get through the one that we did, and as you would expect, we did not have the easiest of times. At the same time though we and especially I, had a bit of satisfaction after we had gotten through it. Regardless of my feelings on the thing as a whole, I felt very accomplished when I had gotten through the maze whole. I imagine anyone would feel satisfaction if they had gone through, and completed it, instead of turning themselves around and walking out. Another thing to note is that I could not use any of the equipment that you gave me. I tried to use the Sony Playtouch that you gave me, but that and the Vado made me a little confused when I used them, instead I ended up using Travis's own phone in order to record this video, and for the most part, I'd say it turned out pretty well, some low video quality aside, I set out and accomplished what I intended to, which was to make a short video conversation / vlog about corn mazes.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

The Corn Maze Interview

For my final project (which I'm going to be doing by myself) I'm going to talking with Travis (a friend of mine). We're going to be talking about our experience and trouble of going through a corn maze, which we did around October and why it was so challenging (we got lost and it took us while to get through it), as well as the overall idea of a corn maze. Among the forms that we may use (depending on what happens), will include a combination of a podcast, a video and possibly a write-up as well, showing our interview, as well some footage and images. If all goes well, then we I may end actually using all three sources but 100% not sure at this time. Depends on what happens this week.